Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol from Front - Alternate Grabs

Basic Pistol Disarming Part 2

Pistol from Front - Alternate Grabs

In Basic Part 1 we covered the most important gun disarm in our system - The Basic gun from front. In this video we start to go outside of the basic, but keep with the same principals.

Why do we need alternate versions? Because there are many angles and scenarios which can be dealt with more efficiently and effectively if we have other options.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol from Behind - Live Side

Pistol from Behind - Live Side

Now that we have covered the basic disarms from the front, let’s start to examine what happens when the threat moves behind us.

There are two basic variations of Pistol from Behind - Live Side and Dead Side. They are substantially different methods, so we have broken them into two separate videos.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol from Behind - Dead Side

Pistol from Behind - Dead Side

In most cases, we prefer to go to the Dead Side. This gives us safety and tactical advantages.

From a safety standpoint, we are not moving into our opponents “weapons.” This means theoretically they have a reduced ability to counter or cause us damage.

From a tactical standpoint we are essentially flanking them. This creates more opportunities for us to counterstrike or otherwise deal with them.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol to Sides - Live and Dead Side Variations

Pistol to Sides - Live and Dead Side Variations

Pistol to the Sides end up being very similar to both Live and Dead Side threats from behind, so we have combined them into one video. However, there are a few unique details for each.

It should be noted that in all of the “Basic” videos you will see some similar characteristics - no movement, no grabbing, no distance - meaning that they are not “dynamic” threats. These are covered in our Advanced Pistol Disarming series where we start to go outside of static threats.

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