2023 Events at Crucible
April 16. 2023 - Train with Eyal Yanilov - Combo Course Option
Learn from the top Krav Maga instructor in the world! Eyal Yanilov will be hosting a 3 hour workshop at Crucible April 16th from 9am - Noon and a student workshop from 2pm - 5pm . FOR INSTRUCTORS AND ADVANCED STUDENTS ONLY.
Course is limited to 25. Cost is $125 per person.
April 16, 2023 - Student Workshop with Eyal Yanilov
Learn from the top Krav Maga instructor in the world! Eyal Yanilov will be hosting a 3 hour workshop at Crucible April 16th from 2pm - 5pm.
Limited to 25 students. Cost is $125 per person.
April 16, 2023 - Instructor Update with Eyal Yanilov
Learn from the top Krav Maga instructor in the world! Eyal Yanilov will be hosting a 3 hour workshop at Crucible April 16th from 9am - Noon. FOR INSTRUCTORS AND ADVANCED STUDENTS ONLY.
Limited to 25 students. Cost is $125 per person.
April 28 - 30, 2023 - Krav Maga Rank Testing
We do rank testing every 6 months. This test is primarily from P1 - P5.
Registration is free. Cost is $60 per person.
May 20 - 21, 2023 - Escape & Evasion
This course prepares you for the worst day of your life. The day someone takes you or your family hostage. The techniques and methods taught are those acquired over many years of training with experts in KravMaga, Israeli special operations, US special operations, and US “agencies.” If you have ever seen Jason Borne movies or Taken, you get the idea.
Limited to 20 students. Cost is $199 per person.

Crucible Krav Maga gun disarming seminar.
Crucible Krav Maga self-defense seminar.
additional training opportunities
We have two main types of additional training courses:
Seminars - these are done over a single day, are typically 1 - 4 hours and are usually a deep dive into material taught daily (typically free)
Examples: Strong Striking Seminar, Test Preparation, Turkish Get-up Deep Dive
Workshops - these are typically over a weekend, are 8 - 16 hours, are not material we teach regularly and we may bring in outside experts to help teach (typically $49 - $149 per person)
Examples: Advanced Women's Self-Defense, Mobility Workshop, Advanced Instructor Workshop (taught by Israeli experts), and our Deep Training System weekend workshop series (website HERE)
Corporate Event held in Santa Fe New Mexico.
Women's Self-Defense and Escape & Evasion Workshop.
Custom Workshops
We can mix and match workshops for groups or company events. Some of the events we have done:
Customized Women's Self-Defense
Law Enforcement groups
Corporate team building events
Customized security team training
Gun Disarming Seminar
Bar Fighting Seminar
Does your group or company want a custom workshop?
Please let us know! We have done countless workshops all over the country. We can host them at your location or at ours. The cost of the event will depend on where it is hosted, how long of an event you want (from 60 minutes to courses lasting multiple days are possible), and the content.