Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol Course Intro

Pistol Course - Intro


This course has 5 major components:

  1. Pistol Maintenance

  2. Safe Usage and Handling

  3. Basic Dry Fire Training

  4. Advanced Part 1 - Basic Movement

  5. Advanced Part 2 - Advanced Movement and Room Clearing

Why so many parts? Because you should know A LOT about your weapon, so that it is clean, safe and ready to use. You should know how to use it very, very, very safely at all times. You should know how to do some basic dry fire drills, which will build muscle memory. You should also know how to move with it. And if you are really into training, you should know how to use it dynamically. So there is a lot to learn!

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol Maintenance Part 1

Pistol Maintenance Part 1 - Field Stripping


In the first part of the Pistol Maintenance Series we cover the basic components of the Glock and do what is called a “field strip”, which is used for basic cleaning.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Pistol Maintenance Part 4 - Glock 42/43

Pistol Maintenance Part 4 - Glock 42/43


The compact Glocks have a few unique quirks so I thought I’d put together a video just on the Glock 42/43, especially after seeing some videos online and seeing people literally use a hammer on them. They can be serviced just as well as any other if you know how.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Basic Pistol Exercises

Basic Pistol Exercises


The goal of the following exercises is to practice the lessons from Part 1.

At each video you should do a minimum of 10 repetitions before moving on to the next.


1: Clearing and Making the Pistol Safe

2: Safe Holstering

3: Basic Drawing

4: Draw and Aim

5: Dynamic Draw and Side Check

6: Draw from Concealed

7: Concealed Draw with Magazine Change

8: Unchambered Draw

9: Magazine Changes

10: Dynamic Magazine Draw from Pocket

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Comparing Laser Airsoft to Real Gun

Comparing Laser Airsoft to a Real Pisol


I’ve heard many people say that you can’t get good training without a “real” pistol shooing “real” bullets. To be fair, there is a lot credibility to that because you should train as close to real life as possible.

But the reality is that not only is it hard and expensive to do dynamic movement and shooting with a real gun, it is also very dangerous. Even if you do (and you should!) do dynamic live fire drills with a real gun, there is still immense value in dry fire training and even more with a laser system.

In this video I show what it is like to shoot the airsoft Glock 17 and real Glock 19 I carry with back-to-back so you can see just how accurate the training is.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Advanced Pistol Part 1

Advanced Pistol Part 1 - Movement Drills


What is the biggest problem with going to the range? You can’t draw. What is the second biggest problem? You can’t draw and MOVE!

In this course we go through the basics of how to efficiently and effectively move and shoot.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Advanced Pistol Part 2

Advanced Pistol Part 2 - Room Clearing


Now we are really starting to train! In this section we show how to create and use the indoor airsoft range to practice room clearing with multiple targets. All of your training thus far will really come together in this part of the course.

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Mike Coffin Mike Coffin

Teaching Dad to shoot at the Ranch

Shooting At the Ranch with Dad


My dad called me and said he wanted to learn how to pistol shoot. If there was ever a time to use the laser blowback pistols, this was it. This is why I believe in dry fire and laser training - it is just a lot safer most of the time. One bad decision can be an expensive lesson. We had a lot of fun, and it was a great memory being able to teach my dad who spent his life teaching me.

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