text to train Mike Coffin text to train Mike Coffin

Okay, so what is Krav Maga?

Krav Maga is a true “mixed martial arts” (MMA), which simply means combining best of breed and what works from anything and everything. There are a few distinguishing items about Krav Maga that we can point to that make it significantly different.

  1. Timeline based - For me, this is the most important “Krav” thing about the system. The moment an attacker begins, the timeline starts. And the moment you recognize the attack, the options you have start.

  2. Integrated techniques - This means that everything from the stance we fight in, the way we block, the way we move and the way we operate on the ground - while not specific to Krav Maga - has been modified to work within the system of Krav Maga.

  3. Principal based - Everything we learn has a principal behind it. This is the “why” of the technique. We don’t do things because that’s how they’ve always been done. We do them because there is a significant reason to do them that way.

  4. From most likely, to least likely (not easy to hard) - We want students to learn how to deal with the most common forms of attacks first. Most of the system is designed such that it is easy to learn, works, and can be deployed under stress. This means that it can’t be overly complicated and intricate.

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