Part 10 - When things go wrong
Part 10 - When things go wrong
In this section we cover something that is so important, that it is actually a core concept of Krav Maga in general. What to do when things go wrong.
Some background - In Krav Maga some of the principals of the system are a) enabling the Fight switch in our brains b) understanding tactically how to adapt to situations quickly c) that we are fighting people d) that not being in front of the weapon/tool makes it safer for us - and there are many more. All of these come together in this lesson, which is more of a big picture lesson and a technique.
When things go wrong you must adapt and attack. By “adapt” I mean that you must almost instantly recognize that something has gone wrong and that you need to adjust. And by “instantly” I mean that you do not have time, not when dealing with pistols, to mess around and think your way out or freeze. And by “attack” I mean there are few other options other than attacking the person as directly as possible, and that usually means taking them to the ground.
Why do we “recommend” taking the opponent to the ground? First, this is not a hard and fast rule, but it is something that is quite likely to be your best option. In almost all cases we do not recommend taking your opponent to the ground, but pistols and guns are unique issues, and when attempting to fight a person with a gun the problem is even more unique. When someone is thrown off balance, or falls towards the ground, or impacts the ground they almost all have a universal instinct to try and break their fall with their hands. Go look at videos of people falling and you see their hands reach for the ground. Even more relevant is to watch people in gun fights fall to the ground. You will see them very often drop their weapons.
Guns are also unique in their ability to make distance less of a factor than other fixed weapons, so running becomes a negative. If you are running away a persons predator instinct might kick in and they will try to kill you. Especially if you have just tried to fight with them.
And lastly, in these cases you usually want to have possession of the weapons.